
5 unusual facts about J. Reuben Clark

Clark Memorandum

Under secretary of State, and later Ambassador to Mexico, J. Reuben Clark (1871-1961) held these conciliatory views and completed work on the 236-page Memorandum late in the Coolidge administration.

The Clark Memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine or Clark Memorandum, written on December 17, 1928 by Calvin Coolidge’s undersecretary of state J. Reuben Clark, concerned the United States' use of military force to intervene in Latin American nations.

Hugh B. Brown

He was called as Second Counselor in the First Presidency on October 12, 1961, upon the death of First Counselor J. Reuben Clark.

J. Reuben Clark

A week after joining the First Presidency, Clark was asked to fill a position on the board of directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, headquartered in New York.

South Mountain to the south, and the Stansbury Range to the west provided timber, water, berries, and summer grazing.

J. Reuben Clark Law Society

Named in honor of J. Reuben Clark the former Ambassador to Mexico and Under Secretary of State, the society's membership is primarily Mormon, although there is no requirement that members be a part of the LDS Church.

see also

Cheryl B. Preston

After graduating from J. Reuben Clark in 1979, Preston clerked for the Honorable Monroe G. McKay of the Tenth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, in Utah.