As a canonist he defended the papal rights again the Febronian tendencies in Germany, and as a philosopher he endeavoured to replace the scholastic method by the empiricism of Newton.
Anton Chekhov | Jacob | John Jacob Astor | Anton Corbijn | Jacob M. Appel | Anton Bruckner | Jacob Epstein | Anton Webern | Jacob Zuma | Jacob Obrecht | Jacob Lawrence | Jacob Appel | Anton Reichenow | John Jacob Astor IV | Irène Jacob | Robert Anton Wilson | Jacob Jordaens | Anton LaVey | Paul Jacob | Anton Yelchin | Meshullam ben Jacob | Jacob Riis | Jacob Grimm | Jacob Christian Schäffer | Jacob Appelbaum | Anton Geesink | Anton Armstrong | Jacob Truedson Demitz | Jacob ter Veldhuis | Jacob's Ladder |