
3 unusual facts about Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen

Caspar Wintermans

This was published by Valancourt Books, who are due to publish a study by Wintermans on the French novelist and poet Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen, entitled Un scandale belle époque: L'affaire d'Adelsward à travers la presse parisienne

Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen

D'Adelswärd's grandfather had founded the steel industry in Longwy-Briey.

— Made-for-TV movie directed by Ferry Radax for the WDR featuring d'Adelswärd-Fersen, Nino Cesarini, and a lot of other historical Capri celebrities.

Édouard Chimot

It seems possible that Chimot's late start as an artist was because he initially trained as an architect - the only evidence for this is an item on the internet from Fodor's guides, which credits Chimot with the design in 1903 of the Villa Lysis in Capri, for the dissolute Baron Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen.

Fabian Wrede-class training ship

The last ship in the class, Axel von Fersen (692) was commissioned on 30 June 2008, and is named after Axel von Fersen the Elder.

Hedvig Catharina De la Gardie

In 1764, Prince Gustav had the habit of walking on the roof terrass on the Royal Palace because he wanted to make contact with her and see her when she showed herself on the roof of the Fersen Palace every day at four; he sent her flowers and asked for meetings in the park of Karlberg Palace.

Hedvig Eleonora von Fersen

Hedvig Eleonora von Fersen (2 Jule 1753–8 November 1792, Pisa) was a Swedish noble, lady in waiting to the Swedish queen, Sophia Magdalena of Denmark.

Jacques d'Armagnac, Duke of Nemours

After twice pardoning him, the king's patience became exhausted, and he besieged the duke's chateau at Carlat and imprisoned him.

Louis d'Armagnac, Duke of Nemours

Louis d'Armagnac, Duke of Nemours (1472, Normandy; April 28, 1503, Cerignola, Italy), known for most of his life as the Count of Guise, was the third son of Jacques d'Armagnac, Duke of Nemours and Louise of Anjou.

Otto Wilhelm von Fersen

Otto Wilhelm von Fersen (1623, Reval - 1703, Kurna) was a Swedish general and nobleman of the Fersen family, governor general of Ingmermanland and Kexholm from 1691 to 1698, field marshal 1693.

see also