
23 unusual facts about Javascript

Adobe Authorware

Moving beyond the templates, however, requires either the importing of interactive Flash or Director movies, or scripting, which can be done in Authorware's native scripting language or in JavaScript.

Apex High School

The applications courses range from Applications I, covering the use of applications such as Microsoft Office, up to E-Commerce I which covers static web development including XHTML and basic JavaScript and a new capstone course for Seniors: Digital Video and Media.


Because of its open licensing, BlazeDS is not precluded from being used with other client platforms, such as JavaScript/Ajax.

Brand New Machine

The music video was released via the band's official website on 20 September 2013, originally through a JavaScript modification of Twitter.


It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is entirely web based; written mainly in C#, HTML, and JavaScript it runs on the .Net Framework.


:* IPA chart pulmonic consonants with audio - (requires browser with JavaScript)

Designing with Web Standards

Tag soup pages also displayed or operated incorrectly in older browsers, and required multiple code forks such as JavaScript for Netscape Navigator and JScript for Internet Explorer that added to the cost and complexity of development.

The book is credited with converting the industry from tag soup and Flash to semantics and accessibility via correct use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Dev Bootcamp

The program is 9 weeks of intensive training in professional web development, including Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.


The software provides an interface for behavior-scripting (currently accessible through JavaScript).


The main focus is on producing HTML, JavaScript and Flash based photo galleries, for publishing online or distributing via other means.


It enhances the experience slightly with JavaScript, although it offers versions for older browsers and an "ultra-classic" view to best simulate the old interface.

International Certificates for Operators of Pleasure Crafts

JavaScript muss aktiv sein um nach anderen Spalten sortieren zu können.

Nokia 5233

Web- Native Nokia browser with full HTML, xHTML browsing along with JavaScript, Flash Lite and partial HTML5 support, RTSP( Web TV), FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air ).

Nokia IPSO

Up to that point, JavaScript and frames had been avoided in order to facilitate the use of Lynx as a command line interface.


The syntax of RoboMind however is different and corresponds more directly to main stream scripting languages, such as JavaScript.

Thomas Fuchs

Thomas Fuchs (born October 21, 1978) is the author and maintainer of script.aculo.us, a JavaScript library for web user interface enhancement, as well as several other widely used open source libraries.

Thumbnail gallery post

It is therefore advisable to visit these sites only when Java, ActiveX and JavaScript as well as other scripting languages have been disabled in the browser and the system is fully patched.


TVariable are hierarchical in nature and are very similar to XML, JavaScript and PHP variables.

This security architecture is designed to allow the running of scripts in a similar way to JavaScript while enabling the usefulness of more powerful scripting languages like PERL.

Web design program

The purpose of such a program is to make it easier for the designer to work with page and site elements through a graphical user interface that displays the desired results, typically in a WYSIWYG manner, while removing the need for the designer to have to work with the actual code that produces those results (which includes HTML or XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others).

Website wireframe

Some tools allow the incorporation of interactivity including Flash animation, and front-end web technologies such as, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


The programming model is based on web development languages and standards including JavaScript, Ajax, Java, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript and JavaServer Faces.

Adobe GoLive

This allowed intermediate-level developers using interpreted JavaScript to create sophisticated user interfaces, the creation of which is normally reserved for developers using compiled languages such as C.

Alawar Entertainment

2) the host adds a JavaScript or PHP code to its site that accesses Alawar's server and displays the HTML content placed there.


Based on Eclipse, it supports JavaScript, HTML, DOM and CSS with code-completion, outlining, JavaScript debugging, error and warning notifications and integrated documentation.


These tools include a Javascript Integrated development environment (IDE), a scheduler and a GRID environment, and a visual designer for AXCP JS rules.


In September 2007, Ralph Tegtmeier and Ed Purkiss coined the term "mosaic cloaking" whereby dynamic pages are constructed as tiles of content and only portions of the pages, javascript and CSS are changed, simultaneously decreasing the contrast between the cloaked page and the "friendly" page while increasing the capability for targeted delivery of content to various spiders and human visitors.


It supports C# 4.0, VB10, ASP.NET, HTML, JavaScript, XML, XAML and C++.

Comparison of the Java and .NET platforms

Rather than using Java, HD DVD (the defunct high definition successor to DVD) used a technology jointly developed by Microsoft and Disney called HDi that was based on XML, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies that are comparable to those used by standard Web browsers.

Cube 2: Sauerbraten

A Mozilla researcher, Alon Zakai, created the BananaBread demo by using Emscripten to port the C++ code into JavaScript and WebGL.


TrueUser automatically detects and adjusts for dynamic features of Rich Internet applications, including cookies, caching, certificates, JavaScript and delayed user-responses.

DoubleClick for Publishers by Google

Each time this page is visited, the JavaScript code creates an IFrame, DFP decides which campaign wins and deliver the creative to the IFrame.


ECMAScript, a scripting language whose best-known dialect is JavaScript


The 8.0 reimplementation of FreeNAS moved the project from a m0n0BSD/m0n0wall/PHP-based architecture to one based on FreeBSD's NanoBSD embedded build system, the Python programming language, the Django CMS and the dōjō toolkit JavaScript toolkit.

Hexadecimal time

In 1997, the American Mark Vincent Rogers of Intuitor proposed a similar system of hexadecimal time and implemented it in JavaScript as the Hexclock.


Jayrock allows clients such as client-side web page JavaScript, to be able to call into server-side methods using JSON as the wire format and JSON-RPC as the procedure invocation protocol.


JQuery Mobile — a javascript framework for mobile and desktop platforms

KonyOne Platform

The runtime consists of a virtual machine that implements the scripting language (JavaScript or Lua) used by Kony Studio, coupled with the library for each device platform – BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Java, Symbian, and browser clients.

LabKey Server

It can be extended through the addition of Java-based modules or simple, file-based modules written in HTML, XML and JavaScript.

Mirabyte Web Architect

Web Architect has built-in support for many JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, MooTools, Prototype, Script.aculo.us, Dojo and YUI.


By using AJAX, hybrid server/client-side pagination can be used, in which Javascript is used to request the subsequent page which is loaded and inserted into the Document Object Model via AJAX.

Prototype-based programming

Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript is described by Douglas Crockford as: you make prototype objects, and then ... make new instances.


This is achieved by using the same Cryptographic hash function in JavaScript code on the client-side, as well as PHP code on the server-side, to generate and compare hash results based on users’ passwords and some random data.

Travis CI

It supports building software in numerous languages, including C, C++, Clojure, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala.


Uzbl uses the Web Kit layout engine, and therefore inherits support for many web standards, including HTML, XML, X Path, Cascading Style Sheets, ECMAScript (JavaScript), DOM, and SVG, passing the Acid3 browser test.


Similar environments written in other programming languages include Node.js for JavaScript, Twisted for Python, Perl Object Environment for Perl, libevent for C and EventMachine for Ruby.


Interfacing the voice and visual components of X+V documents is accomplished through a combination of ECMAScript, JavaScript, and XML Events.


(Other references to Ghostbusters also occur within Mozilla products: for instance, the JavaScript debugger component is called Venkman, after one of the main characters in the film.)


This software works by recompressing pictures (such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, JPEG 2000), gzipping text and HTML/JS/CSS data optimization.