During the late 1980s, she worked for a while in Great Britain, appearing with Tom Conti and John Standing in The Old Boy Network, a single season ITV comedy series about three spies (an ex-MI5 agent, an ex-MI5 traitor who'd been working for the KGB, and an ex-CIA officer) who set up as private investigators after the end of the Cold War.
In the Fall 2008 season of Private Practice, Brook began a recurring role as a Doctor Without Borders physician and love interest of Dr. Pete Wilder (played by Tim Daly).
Peter Brook | Jayne Mansfield | Stony Brook University | Michael Brook | Stony Brook | Corner Brook | Brook Benton | Stony Brook, New York | Rea Brook | Porter Brook | Jayne West | Harpers Brook | Robert Brook Aspland | Kelly Brook | Jayne Torvill | Holy Brook | Foudry Brook | David Jayne Hill | Brook Taylor | Brook Farm | Black Brook | Willow Brook | Turkey Brook | The Jayne Mansfield Story | Spencer Brook Township, Isanti County, Minnesota | Spencer Brook Township | Shenley Brook End | Oak Brook, Illinois | Jayne Houdyshell | Jayne Eastwood |