In 2010 it was produced at Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater (WHAT) on Cape Cod directed by Jeff Zinn, WHAT's Artistic Director.
The drama, which was first published in 1985, debuted at New York's Theater for the New City, directed by the author's son Jeff Zinn.
He played Danny in the off-Broadway production of Sexual Perversity in Chicago by David Mamet and Trety in The Suicide by Nikolai Erdman starring Derek Jacobi. Zinn was a stand-in and photo-double for John Travolta in the celebrated film Saturday Night Fever in 1977.
Jeff Beck | Howard Zinn | Jeff Koons | Jeff Foxworthy | Jeff Buckley | Jerry Jeff Walker | Jeff Daniels | Jeff Bezos | Jeff Minter | Jeff Tweedy | Jeff Sagarin | Jeff Bingaman | Jeff Goldblum | Jeff Bridges | Jeff Porcaro | Jeff Hardy | Jeff Bennett | Jeff Wall | Jeff Kennett | Jeff Gordon | Jeff Jarrett | Jeff Garlin | Jeff Flake | Jeff Fisher | Jeff Coffin | DJ Jazzy Jeff | Jeff Stelling | Jeff Martin | Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds | Jeff Rowley |