
42 unusual facts about Jesus

Annette Merz

In 2007, she and several other scholars published Kompendium der Gleichnisse Jesu, a major volume on the Parables of Jesus.

Bachal Isu

The Bachal Isu (or "Staff of Jesus") was a Christian relic.

Bangued Christian Hospital

They considered medical healing as part of their mission, as Jesus had commanded them to "Heal the Sicks".

Baptist General Convention of Texas

Baptist General Convention of Texas beliefs include Bible inspiration, the priesthood of the believer, the sanctity of life, the virgin birth of Christ, salvation through the death of Jesus Christ, and that Christ is the head of the church.

Benjamin Roden

One of the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventists is that on October 22, 1844, God, the Father, and Jesus moved from the throne from which they ruled the universe to the judgment throne in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary in order to fulfill the antitypical Day of Atonement wherein they were to go through the books of records in order to judge the people's deeds to determine their rewards or punishments.


Around the same time, Hotei was in Tokyo after being expelled from high school for saying "Jesus had long hair" when his teacher warned him about his hair being too long.

Carmen Boullosa

Finally, the third play satirically recounts the conversation between Joseph and Mary before Mary gives birth to Jesus and ascends to heaven.

Christian Hermann Weisse

In his addresses on the future of the Protestant Church (Reden über die Zukunft der evangelischen Kirche, 1849), he finds the essence of Christianity in Jesus' conceptions of the heavenly Father, the Son of Man and the kingdom of Heaven.

Darrell Stuckey

Stuckey established "Living4One", an organization to "help people discover that they were created to influence the world in a positive way" through living for Jesus.

Death of God theology

Most notably, Blake refused to view the crucifixion of Jesus as a simple bodily death, and rather, saw in this event a kenosis, a self-emptying of God.

Ernest M. Howse

For example, he did not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus.


They also had a conversation about religion discussing matters such as the Holy Trinity, the Genesis, the Immaculate Conception and Resurrection of Jesus.

Girls' Brigade

The badge incorporates symbols from the three original organizations and is, therefore, in itself a symbol of union, as well as faith and allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ.

These mean that the children will be able to attend activity days to learn about Jesus and meet up with other GB members, they will also have resources adapted to meet the specific child's needs.

Hans Hinrich Wendt

His work on the teaching of Jesus (Die Lehre Jesu, 1886-1890; Eng. trans. of second part, 1892) made him widely known.

Israel Law Review

In 1969, Israeli Supreme Court Justice Haim Cohn published an article in the journal, which was reported on by the Associated Press and picked up widely by newspapers, in which he indicated that Jewish officials sought to save Jesus from Roman execution, but he refused to cooperate.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Jesus (played by Stewie) transforms the manger into a fighter plane and destroys Herod's troops with it.

Jesus: Kyōfu no Bio Monster

Halley's Comet has been approaching Mars for quite some time, and the nations of Earth send a mission to investigate the Comet, as some form of life has been detected inside the gas of the comet.

Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet

In 2011, The Music Tapes performed a cover of this song using Bryars' original tape sample for NPR's Tiny Desk Concert series.

Jesus' Son

Jesus' Son is a 1999 film that was adapted from a collection of short stories of the same name by Denis Johnson.

King of Kings: The Early Years

Gameplay was split into three games, each illustrating a Bible story relating to the early years of Jesus.


KJNP is a broadcasting call sign, standing for King Jesus North Pole.

Life of Joseph Smith from 1834 to 1837

At and around the dedication, many extraordinary events were reported: appearances by Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Elias, and numerous angels; speaking and singing in tongues, often with translations; prophesying; and other spiritual experiences.

Limelight Department

The presentation contained thirteen, ninety second sections which portrayed the life of Jesus from birth to death.

Maria Jeyarani David

Maria was into lecturing and teaching at various academic institutions abroad and later in the United States before she started her "healing ministry" that focuses on miraculous healings of diseases through Jesus, since 1986.

Matt Mikalatos

Matt Mikalatos, the main character in this book, discovers that the Jesus he’s been with is a fake, and goes searching for the real one, all the while encountering many other “imaginary Jesuses” along the way.

Nulla in mundo pax sincera

The text dwells on the imperfections of a world full of evil and sin, and praises Jesus for the salvation he offers from it.

Paul Nicholas Mason

The novel celebrates a fictional pilgrimage from Peterborough, Ontario, to the small village of Lakefield, where there is, Mason asserts, a statue of a blue-skinned Jesus with healing powers in the basement of St. John's Anglican Church.

Pitman, New Jersey

The land had an auditorium located on a central meeting ground, and twelve roads originated from the central area as spokes on a wheel, each representing one of the disciples of Jesus.

Raising of the son of the widow of Nain

This is the first of three miracles of Jesus in the canonical gospels in which he raises the dead, the other two being the Jairus' daughter and of Lazarus.

The raising of the son of the widow of Nain is an account of a miracle by Jesus, recorded in the Gospel of Luke.

Rajadhiraja St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Cathedral, Piravom

About 2000 years ago, after the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, Judaea, in the days of king Herod, it is said that "Wise men" from the east (The Magi) reached Bethlehem through Jerusalem.

Robert Forsyth

On 19 January 2008, Forsyth condemned Corpus Christi, a play depicting Judas seducing Jesus: "It is deliberately, not innocently, offensive and they're obviously having a laugh about it."

Ryan Church

Church told the Washington Post that the chaplain nodded when he asked whether Jews were "doomed" because they "don't believe in Jesus."

Saint Mohrael

Before she was martyred Jesus appeared to her and promised that whoever mentions her name or intercedes through her that God would answer his/her requests because she accepted suffering with great joy and patience and that whoever calls his daughter after you then I will bless that house.

Sanya Mateyas

In 2004, Sanya Mateyas was one of the composers and performers in I Thirst: The Crucifixion Story - a live performance recorded to DVD, which was inspired by Jesus' crucifixion.

Springsure, Queensland

A cliff face in the hills surrounding Springsure is known to the area as Virgin Rock, named because it once looked like the Virgin Mary cradling the baby Jesus, although years of erosion have blurred the original resemblance.

Stu Grimson

He became a born-again Christian in the early 1990s and led the NHL's Christian Fellowship ("Jesus was no wimp," Grimson said in one interview).

Virology Journal

Jesus then took her by the hand and the fever immediately left.

Who We Are Instead

The album features two covers: "Lonely People," from the 1974 America song, and "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet," from the 1971 composition by Gavin Bryars.

Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

In recent years he has branched out artistically, creating such works as Joan, a three-volume story of a young French girl living at the time of the Hundred Years' War, whose life parallels that of Joan of Arc; and Jesus, a two-volume biographical manga about the life of Jesus Christ.

Zlata of Maglen

She was a meek and devout girl, wise in the wisdom of Christ and golden in both name ("Chryse") and God-fearing heart.


Stephen, the first martyr of Christianity (stoned to death by Jewish leaders for preaching that Jesus was the Christ)

Abgar V

The story was later elaborated further by the church historian Evagrius, Bishop of Edessa (c. 536-600), who declared for the first time (as far as is known) that the image of Jesus was "divinely wrought," and "not made by human hands."

Adolph Ernst Knoch

Knoch was put off by the doctrine of the Trinity, saying that its sense of Divinity of Jesus Christ as being equal with God the Father is not biblical.

Automobile folklore

The figure is well known enough to have inspired a folk song Plastic Jesus, originally attributed to Ed Rush and George Cromarty, which has acquired many anonymous folk variants.

Benjamin Kidd

He sees Christianity as the major factor in the success of the Western world, and the Reformation in particular as the event that brought about a 'softening' of character in the population, with greater sensitivity to the suffering of others as exemplified by Jesus Christ.

Biblical money management

Jesus spoke more about money and material possessions than he did about other topics such as prayer and so there are many parables about them in the New Testament such as the Parable of the Talents and the Parable of the Rich Fool.

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

According to Faustina's words, Jesus himself in a vision asked to pray the Divine Mercy Novena as a preparation for the Feast of the Divine Mercy, celebrated each year on 1st Sunday after Easter.

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Fernando Ortega also recorded "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" on his 2011 album, "Christmas Songs".

Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

On Christmas Eve in 1800, knowing they could face the guillotine for their actions, Father Coudrin and Henriette Aymer de Chevalerie officially established the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary with a mission to spread the message of God's unconditional love as manifested through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and finding God's mercy through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Conversion to Judaism

Ananias likewise advised against it, on the grounds that worship of God was superior to circumcision (Robert Eisenman in James the Brother of Jesus claims that Ananias is Paul of Tarsus who held similar views, although this is a novel interpretation lacking support in mainstream scholarship) and that God would forgive him for fear of his subjects.

Daughters of Jesus

That same year, on 1 July, the Daughters of Jesus of Brittany merged with an older congregation of the same name founded in 1820 in Vaylats in southern France.

Die Harmonie der Welt

This recording was made in the Jesus-Christus-Kirche in Berlin-Dahlem in February/March 2000, with Marek Janowski conducting the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, and François le Roux in the role of Johannes Kepler.

Galilee, Rhode Island

The village is named after the fishing village of Galilee, the hometown of Jesus according to the Bible.

Gallery East

In June, Dark Week, which was described as a “boho free-for-all,” featured alt-culture performances such as 24 bands lip syncing their own music, including performances by The Dark, Young Snakes, Red, Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, and Peter Dayton, as well as "The Wonderful World of Jesus" and The Dark's "89 Systems".

Gerald Polley

In the run-up to the 2000 presidential election, Gerald Polley claimed that Jesus had left Heaven because Bill Clinton was not impeached, and would only return should George W. Bush win the election.

Howard Hunter

Howard W. Hunter (1907–1995), fourteenth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Jesus Army Productions

Jesus Army Productions came out of the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados.

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Tryggve Mettinger, former professor of Hebrew bible at Lund University, is one of the academics who supports the "dying and rising gods" construct, but he states that Jesus does not fit the wider pattern.

Jesus in the Talmud

Lauterbach, Jacob Z., "Jesus in the Talmud” in Rabbinic Essays, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1951 (reprinted by Ktav, 1973).

Jesús Salvador Pérez

Jesús Salvador Pérez Llerena (born December 25, 1971 in Córdoba, Bolívar) is a retired male boxer from Colombia, who competed in the bantamweight division (– 54 kg) during his career.

Jewish views on religious pluralism

Maimonides, one of Judaism's most important theologians and legal experts, explained in detail why Jesus was wrong to create Christianity and why Muhammad was wrong to create Islam; he laments the pains Jews have suffered in persecution from followers of these new faiths as they attempted to supplant Judaism (in the case of Christianity, called Supersessionism).

John Dickson

John B. Dickson (born 1943), American leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

John Wilhelm Rowntree

He played a large part in enabling the Religious Society of Friends to incorporate an understanding of modern science (such as the theory of evolution), modern biblical criticism, and the social meaning of Jesus's teaching into their belief systems.

Joseph Merrill

Joseph F. Merrill, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Leroy Johnson

Leroy S. Johnson (1888–1986), leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Lucas Evangelista

Even in a crisis of club, the young praised his goal, dedicating it for his father (in Brazil, that day was Father's Day), Jesus.

Martine Blanc

Martine Blanc (born 16 September 1944 in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme) is a French author and illustrator of ten books for children including The story of Timothy, the Two Hoots series in collaboration with Helen Cresswell, and All about Jesus.

Matthew 3:13

Clarke notes that according to tradition Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River five miles south of the Allenby Bridge, today the site of a Greek Orthodox monastery dedicated to John the Baptist.

Moshe Rosen

Moishe Rosen (1932–2010), founder of the organization Jews for Jesus

Museo Matris Domini

There is another series of frescoes of great emotive and narrative quality, representing Jesus among the Doctors, the Baptism, the Virgin and Child Enthroned, Saint Catherine of Alexandria upon the Wheel, Saint Martin and the Pauper, Jesus entering Jerusalem, and the Miracle of the reanimation of Napoleone Orsini by Saint Dominic, showing the young man falling from his horse.

Obadiah Walker

This was the time of Titus Oates and the "Popish Plot", and some of Walker's writings made him a suspect; however, no serious steps were taken against him, although Oxford booksellers were forbidden to sell his book, The benefits of our Saviour Jesus Christ to mankind.

Pange Lingua

Pange Lingua Gloriosi Proelium Certaminis - by Venantius Fortunatus, 6th Century, celebrating the Passion of Jesus Christ.

Pär Lagerkvist

Among his central themes was the fundamental question of good and evil, which he examined through such figures as the man who was freed instead of Jesus, Barabbas; and the Persian King, Ahasuerus.

Pavel Svedomsky

Working in the St Vladimir's Cathedral in Kiev, Svedosmky painted the northern and southern naves of the cathedral, creating six scenes from the life of Jesus: The Resurrection of Lazarus, The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Trial of Pilate, The Crucifixion and The Ascension.

Pierre Coton

At this period a book published by Santarelli, an Italian Jesuit, who attributed to the pope the power of deposing kings who were guilty of certain crimes, and under such circumstances of absolving their subjects from their allegiance, was the object of severe attacks from the many enemies of the Society of Jesus in France.

Pius Melia

He entered the Society of Jesus on 14 August 1815, taught literature at Reggio, and afterwards was engaged in preaching.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vrhbosna

Josip Stadler, Servant of God - the first modern archbishop of Vrhbosna and the founder of the religious order of the Servants of the Infant Jesus.

Samoan Assemblies of God in New Zealand Incorporated

#Salvation "is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ".

Soy gitano

Arnaldo André as Lázaro Jesús Heredia - Eldest brother of Amador, Josemi, and Maite, father of Isabel

The Gospel According to the Meninblack

The original gatefold LP release features as its inside artwork a reproduction of The Last Supper, altered to depict a solemn Maninblack standing watchfully to Jesus' left, in place of Philip.

The Ziff Who Came to Dinner

However, at the Googolplex Theatre, every kid-friendly movie is sold out, and Rod and Todd will not let Homer see a raunchy comedy called Teenage Sex Wager since it is one of many movies condemned by a Christian publication called "What Would Jesus View?".

Until Death Do Us Part

Jesus' codename comes from enemies who witness his abilities and can only exclaim "Jesus" in response.

William Wrede

His work, and that of Albert Schweitzer himself mark the end of the First Quest or Old Quest into the historical Jesus.