There is another series of frescoes of great emotive and narrative quality, representing Jesus among the Doctors, the Baptism, the Virgin and Child Enthroned, Saint Catherine of Alexandria upon the Wheel, Saint Martin and the Pauper, Jesus entering Jerusalem, and the Miracle of the reanimation of Napoleone Orsini by Saint Dominic, showing the young man falling from his horse.
Anno Domini | Museo del Prado | Museo de Arte Moderno | Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía | El Museo del Barrio | Museo Rufino Tamayo | Museo Naval de Madrid | Museo de Bellas Artes | Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey | Museo Lamborghini | Museo Juan Manuel Fangio | Museo Egizio | Museo di Capodimonte | Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Santiago, Chile) | Museo de Arte Contemporáneo | Museo de Arte Contemporaneo | Museo Correr | Congregatio Discipulorum Domini | Vincenzo de Domini | Tools used to obtain agave's ixtle fibers, at the Museo de Arte Popular, Mexico City | Strozzi's ''Incrédulo Tomás'' at Museo de Arte de Ponce | ''Pietà'', now at the Museo Correr | Museo Soumaya | Museo Regional de Arqueología de la Democracia, Escuintla | Museo Regional de Arqueología de la Democracia | Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo | Museo Nacional de las Intervenciones | Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología | Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia | Museo Histórico Municipal de San Fernando |