
unusual facts about Jewish tradition

Theatre company jerusalem

Gabriella Lev, artistic director and co-founder initiated the formation of the company in 1982 to release the silenced voice of women within Jewish tradition.

see also

Abraham de Sola

He was intimately associated with Isaac Leeser, Samuel Myer Isaacs, Bernhard Illowy, J. J. Lyons, and other upholders of Jewish tradition, and on the death of Isaac Leeser was invited to become successor to his pulpit; but this and many similar offers he declined.


The Babylonian names of Makhir, Hasdai, Sheshet and Shealtiel are the names of chief rabbis and leaders - Nasi (considered by the Jewish tradition as descendents of king David) of the Jewish center.

Chocolate coins

They are traditionally given to children as both a Christian and secular tradition at Christmas time and Saint Nicholas Day and in Jewish tradition during Hanukkah (see Hanukkah gelt).

Davita's Harp

the secular fundamentalism represented by Marxism, Stalinism, and communism, and the religious fundamentalism of the extreme right in my own Jewish tradition, and how those two fundamentalisms deeply hurt individuals profoundly committed to them, and what those individuals do in the wake of that pain.

Ercole dei Fedeli

Born and raised in the Jewish tradition, he worked as a goldsmith in Ferrara, including for Eleanor of Naples, Duchess of Ferrara.

Expository preaching

The practice originated from the Jewish tradition of the rabbi giving a "Dvar Torah", explaining a passage from the Torah, during the prayer services.

Five grains

Chametz (section The five grains), leavened or leavenable grains and their flours in Jewish cuisine which are taboo during certain festival periods in Jewish tradition; see also Matzo

Friday the Rabbi Slept Late

As the protagonist of a series of novels, Rabbi Small has wisdom, an unerring sense of Jewish tradition (which can at times put him at odds with the Jewish community when he believes that they are seriously deviating from Judaism) and all the good qualities of a detective sharpened by his Talmudic training, which enables him to see the third side of a problem.

Hachmei Provence

The term "Provence" in Jewish tradition is not limited to today's administrative region of Provence but refers to the whole of Occitania.

Jesus in Ahmadiyya Islam

A local scholar and supporter of the theory, Fida Hassnain, has claimed that the tomb is arranged with the feet pointing in the direction of Jerusalem, and claimed that this is in accordance with Jewish tradition.

Marc-Alain Ouaknin

Unlike traditional rabbinic discourse, Ouaknin regularly cites thinkers outside the Jewish tradition, such as the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Meir Tamari

In With All Your Possessions, Tamari criticizes Werner Sombart and Max Weber for focusing solely on contemporary Jewish behavior, and neglecting Jewish tradition and religion.

Melky Sedeck

The name of the group (and of the siblings) is an allusion to Melchizedek, a figure from Christian and Jewish tradition.

Rina Lazarus

Roth also suggests that Rina's surname, Lazarus, "signifies the contemporary perception that Jewish tradition is being resurrected".

Sanballat the Horonite

In Jewish tradition, he was called "the Horonite," (another possible "the Harranite") and was associated with Tobiah the Ammonite and Geshem the Arabian.

The Jew

The anti-Jewish tradition on the English stage dates back at least to the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 and is exemplified by the characters of Shylock in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Barabas in Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta.