
unusual facts about Joachim III Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg

Joachim Frederick

Joachim III Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg (1546–1608), Prince-elector of the Margraviate of Brandenburg

Joachim III Frederick, Elector of Brandenburg

His titles also included "duke (Dux) of Stettin, Pomerania, Cassubia, Vandalorum and Crossen", according to the terms of the Treaty of Grimnitz, although the Pomeranian titles were only nominal.

Sceptrum Brandenburgicum

Sceptrum Brandenburgicum (or Sceptrum Brandenburgium – Latin for scepter of Brandenburg) was a constellation created in 1688 by Gottfried Kirch, astronomer of the Prussian Royal Society of Sciences.

Theodor von Strattman

Initially he served the Elector of Brandenburg, and later was at the court of the Elector Wilhelm von der Pfalz-Neuburg, (Palatinate) where he held the position of vice chancellor (Vicekanzler).

see also