Cash failed to gain the new seat of Westminster North from the incumbent Labour member for Regent's Park and Kensington North, Karen Buck.
At the 2010 General Election she was elected MP for the new seat of Westminster North with a majority of 2,126 over Joanne Cash, the Conservative candidate.
Johnny Cash | Rosanne Cash | Joanne Weaver | June Carter Cash | Joanne Woodward | Joanne Brackeen | Joanne Hogg | Cash Cab | Andrew Cash | Richard A. Cash | Norm Cash | Joanne Whalley | Joanne Peh | Cash Money Records | Ed Cash | The Cold Cash War | Peter Cash | Merchant cash advance | John Carter Cash | Joanne Daniels | Cash Cab (U.S. game show) | Swin Cash | Joanne Meyerowitz | Joanne Marcotte | Joanne Lees | Joanne Kelly | Joanne Harris | CASH Music | Bill Cash | The Legend of Johnny Cash |