Johann Pistorius the Elder (1504–1583), German Protestant minister, who participated in several religious disputations between Catholics and Protestants
Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Pliny the Elder | Johann Strauss II | Pieter Bruegel the Elder | St. Johann in Tirol | Lucas Cranach the Elder | Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Johann Albert Fabricius | Cato the Elder | Oscar Pistorius | Johann Christian Bach | Johann Georg Wagler | Johann Pachelbel | Johann Nepomuk Hummel | Johann Gottfried Herder | Daniel K. Elder | Johann Nestroy | Elder Futhark | elder | Mark Elder | Johann Joachim Winckelmann | Johann Gottlieb Fichte | Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach | John Pinch the elder | Johann Homann | Johann Friedrich Böttger | Faustina the Elder | Elder Conservatorium | Edward the Elder |
Johann Pistorius Niddanus (the Younger) (1546–1608), German controversialist and historian, son of Johann Pistorius the Elder