
3 unusual facts about Julius Maada Bio

Julius Maada Bio

On April 29, 1992, Bio was one of a group of six young Sierra Leonan soldiers that included Captain Valentine Strasser, Lieutenant Sahr Sandy, Surgeon Solomon Musa, Captain Tom Nyuma and Captain Komba Mondeh that toppled president Joseph Saidu Momoh's All People's Congress (APC) government in a bloodless military coup.

Bio and several other Sierra Leonean soldiers, including Captain Valentine Strasser, and Seargon Solomon Musa were deployed to Liberia as part of Sierra Leone’s contribution to ECOMOG.

Patricia Kabbah

When the National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC), a military government under the leadership of Brigadier General Julius Maada Bio organised general election in 1996, the country's first general election since March, 1967, her husband Ahmad Tejan Kabbah of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) emerged victorious and became the new president of Sierra Leone; Patricia then became the first lady until her death in 1998..

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