
unusual facts about Jungian psychology

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Author of several books, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee has lectured extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe on Sufism, mysticism, Jungian psychology and dreamwork.

Spiritual Conference for Radical Fairies

These discussions mixed the works of Edward Carpenter, Arthur Evans, Jungian psychology, and Hay's studies of Native American spirituality, on topics ranging from gay consciousness, gay mythos, and the evolving nature of gay subculture.

see also

Liz Greene

Greene became quickly famous with the publication, by Weiser, of Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, in 1976, in which she applied Jungian psychology to revise the image of Saturn as a planet of misfortune, recasting it in a more Jungian image that has continued to be very popular into the 21st century.

Psychological astrology

One of the first astrologers to combine Jungian psychology with astrology was Dane Rudhyar and his protégé, Alexander Ruperti.