
6 unusual facts about KRAS


Next, they suggested that k-Ras becomes activated and the polyp becomes a small, benign adenoma.


The KRAS gene encodes a small G protein on the EGFR pathway.

Cetuximab is indicated for the treatment of patients with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-expressing, KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), in combination with chemotherapy, and as a single agent in patients who have failed oxaliplatin- and irinotecan-based therapy and who are intolerant to irinotecan.

COSMIC cancer database

It was launched in 2004, with data from just four genes, HRAS, KRAS2, NRAS and BRAF.

Fecal occult blood

The test looks at 23 individual DNA alterations, including 21 specific point alterations in the APC, KRAS and p53 genes, as well as testing BAT26, a gene involved in microsatellite instability (MSI).


Another type of mutation that leads to undue activation of this pathway occurs in the gene KRAS and is found in NSCLC.


KRAS | Kras | Kraš |

Carwyn James

In 1983 James was on a private visit to the Netherlands and staying alone at the Kras Nabolsky Hotel in Dam Square, Amsterdam.

Inter Airlines

Since the company's inception in April 2002, Inter Airlines was used by the biggest tour operators such as TUI AG and Thomas Cook AG as well as their branches KRAS Holland & Jetairfly Belgium ( both part of the TUI group) and Neckermann (Thomas Cook Group).

KK Cibona

In that regard, the club's main sponsors became four SR Croatia-based food industry giants (all of them state-owned at the time): Kraš, Franck, Badel and Voće.


Though located within the Alpine foothills, the Jura Mountains are usually considered a separate Mittelgebirge range, while the Kras Plateau, leading to the Dinarides, geologically forms a part of the Southern Alps.

N.K. Kras A.S.D.

Olimpija then became the Circolo Sportivo Kras in Sgonico, and in 1986 it officially became Football Club Kras.

Slavko Šajber

That same year Šajber started the project of creating a great basketball team with KK Cibona, and has gathered main sponsors for the club, four Croatia-based food industry giants: Kraš, Franck, Badel and Voće.

Stevo Žigon

His father was from the village of Volčji Grad near Komen in the Kras region, while his mother came from the Slovene community in Trieste (now in Italy).

see also