
unusual facts about Kalugerovo, Pazardzhik Province

Kalugerovo, Pazardzhik Province

It is located next to Trakya high-way, which provides a well connection with the two largest Bulgarian cities Plovdiv (55 kilometers) and Sofia (85 kilometers).

Pazardzhik Province

According to the Treaty of Berlin after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878 the region was included in the autonomous region Eastern Rumelia which united with the Principality of Bulgaria on 6 September 1885.

Fish is abundant in the dams, including carp, rudd, roach barbel, perch, zander and many others; the mountain streams are rich in trout.


Poibrene is located in the north-western part of the Pazardzhik Province on the left bank of the Topolnitsa river.

see also