
3 unusual facts about Kappa Delta Rho

California Pelican

On May 24, 1978, they met in Bowles Hall with Sweeney’s now-graduated Kappa Delta Rho fraternity brother, Monroe McBride ‘76. The Berkeleyan had also become dormant after a financially successful 1975-1976 school year, leaving substantial funds in its trust account with the ASUC. McBride arranged for Sweeney to meet with the few remaining members of The Berkeleyan’s editorial board and merge the magazines, giving Pelican a more financially sound start than it would have had otherwise.

Eugene Louis Dodaro

Mr. Dodaro is also an alumnus of the Psi chapter of the national social fraternity Kappa Delta Rho at Lycoming College.


In the United States, the Sigma Chi Fraternity and the Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity currently uses the Officer title quaestor as their treasurer's name as he oversees the financial obligations of the Fraternity.

Cornell North Campus

EcoHouse is located behind the Africana Library and is near several fraternities, such as Acacia, Kappa Delta Rho, Tau Epsilon Phi, and Alpha Gamma Rho.

see also