
5 unusual facts about Karel Teige

Czech literature

The avantgarde soon split, however, into the radical proletarian socialist and communist authors (Wolker, Seifert, Neumann, Karel Teige, Antonín Matěj Píša, Hora, Jindřich Hořejší), the Catholics (Durych, Deml), and to the centrists (brothers Čapek, Dyk, Fischer, Šrámek, Langer, Jan Herben).

A specifically Czech literary style, poetism, was developed by the group Devětsil (Vítězslav Nezval, Jaroslav Seifert, Konstantin Biebl, Karel Teige), which argued that poetry should pervade everyday life, that poetry is inseparable from daily life, that everyone is a poet.

Jaroslav Rössler

As a 21 years old, he began collaboration with the art theorist Karel Teige, who assigned him to create typographic layout for magazines Pásmo, Disk, Stavba and ReD (Revue Devětsilu).

Karel Teige

Although not an architect, Teige was an articulate and knowledgeable architecture critic, an active participant in CIAM, and friends with Hannes Meyer, the second director of the Bauhaus.


Karel Teige (1900 - 1951), Czech graphic artist, photographer, and typographer

Jiří Kroha

V roce 1938 se Kroha přidává k skupině umělců, kteří se zastávají moderních uměleckých trendů v sovětské kulturní politice (do této skupiny patřili například: Karel Teige, Bohuslav Brouk, František Halas, Roman Jakobson, Jaromír Krejcar, Jindřich Štyrský, Toyen; opačný stalinský socialisticko-realistický názor zastávali například: Julius Fučík, Zdeněk Nejedlý, Vítězslav Nezval, Stanislav Kostka Neumann, Ladislav Štoll, Bedřich Václavek).

Sociology of architecture

Such sociological analysis of architecture can be found in the classic authors of sociology in Marcel Mauss, Walter Benjamin, Norbert Elias, Michel Foucault, Ernst Bloch, Siegfried Kracauer, Pierre Bourdieu, Maurice Halbwachs, Karel Teige and others.

see also