
unusual facts about Karl Haushofer

Plan for Destruction

It looks at the Geopolitik ideas of the ex-World War I General Prof. Karl Haushofer, who is portrayed as the head of a huge organisation for gathering information of strategic value and the mastermind behind Hitler's wars and plans to enslave the world.

Alexander Nikuradse

Influenced by Karl Haushofer's theory of "large spaces", he conceived an ambitious project of the German protectorate over the projected Caucasian confederation (The Greater Circassia), including Volga, Ural, Siberian regions, Alaska and the US West in general in which the Georgians were to play the leading role.

Dale C. Thomson

To do his thesis entitled "General Haushofer and his Ideas on Geopolitics," Thomson spent time in Germany, becoming fluent in the German language.


The term "geo-strategy" was first used by Frederick L. Schuman in his 1942 article "Let Us Learn Our Geopolitics." It was a translation of the German term "Wehrgeopolitik" as used by German geostrategist Karl Haushofer.

see also