
11 unusual facts about Karl Pearson

Annals of Human Genetics

It was established in 1925 by Karl Pearson as the Annals of Eugenics, with as subtitle, Darwin's epigram "I have no Faith in anything short of actual measurement and the rule of three".

Charles Chamberlain Hurst

Bateson and Hurst collaborated in the battle against the biometricians Karl Pearson and Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, with Hurst generating much data from experimental crosses of different plant varieties and animal color variants, including chickens, horses, and man.

David Wechsler

During World War I he worked with the United States Army to develop psychological tests to screen new draftees while studying under Charles Spearman and Karl Pearson.

Henry Ludwell Moore

To improve his knowledge of statistical techniques, he attended the lectures of Karl Pearson in 1909 and 1913.

Men and Women's Club

The Men and Women's Club was a debating society founded by Karl Pearson to discuss relations between the sexes, such as marriage, sexuality, friendship, and prostitution.

Michael Redhill

His play, Building Jerusalem, depicts a meeting between Karl Pearson, Augusta Stowe-Gullen, Adelaide Hoodless, and Silas Tertius Rand on New Year's Eve night just prior to the 20th century.

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen

Another scholarship allowed him to pursue his studies for two years at the University College in London with Karl Pearson.

Opheim, Norway

It is the place where Karl Pearson proposed to Maria Sharpe, who was to become his wife.


Karl Pearson's obituary of Raphael Weldon (p.8) refers to Weldon "preparing (c. 1877) for Little-Go and the London Preliminary Scientific. For the classical part of the former he seems to have worked by himself."

Shirley Poppy

The biometrician Karl Pearson used the Shirley poppy to study his ideas of homotyposis, which he defined as “the quantitative degree of resemblance to be found on the average between the like parts of organisms”.

Wilhelm Johannsen

His findings led him to oppose contemporary Darwinists, most notably Francis Galton and Karl Pearson, who held the occurrence of normal distributed trait variation in populations as proof of gradual genetic variation on which selection could act.

Rosalind Nash

She assisted in some of Nightingale's publications, and wrote on her behalf to Karl Pearson, when Pearson was writing his biography of Francis Galton.

Statistical process control

Shewhart read the new statistical theories coming out of Britain, especially the work of "Student", Karl Pearson, and Ronald Fisher.

The Lady Tasting Tea

Salsburg traces the rise and fall of Karl Pearson's theories, explores W. Edwards Deming's statistical methods of quality control (which rebuilt postwar Japan's economy), and relates the story of Stella Cunliffe's early work on the capacity of small beer casks at the Guinness brewing factory.