
unusual facts about Karl R. Coolidge

Violet's Dreams

In 1917, the films were purchased and reassembled as Like Babes in the Woods by George Cochrane from a new scenario by Karl R. Coolidge.

Arthur W. Coolidge

He was a Republican and a Unitarian, a Freemason, serving as Grand Master of Masons (1943–1944) and a member of the American Bar Association and Theta Delta Chi.

Bregaglia Range

Well-known mountaineers who are associated with the area and have made significant first ascents in the range include Leslie Stephen, D. W. Freshfield, W. A. B. Coolidge, Christian Klucker, Paul Güssfeldt and Riccardo Cassin.

Charles H. Coolidge

During an enemy attack on that day and the following three days, east of Belmont-sur-Buttant in France, Coolidge assumed command of his group and showed conspicuous leadership.

Edgar D. Coolidge

Born on a farm in Galesburg, Illinois, he attended Knox College from 1901 to 1903 and received a DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) degree from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, which later became the Loyola University Chicago Dental School.

Frederick S. Coolidge

He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1892 to the Fifty-third Congress.

Karl R. Thompson

Karl R. Thompson is an American constitutional lawyer who was appointed to a position within the United States Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel by the Presidency of Barack Obama.

Sherwood Washburn

He served as an assistant zoologist in Harold J. Coolidge's 1935–36 Asiatic Primate Expedition.

Warren H. Coolidge

As U.S. Attorney, Coolidge oversaw the prosecution of Ben Chavis and other members of the Wilmington Ten, and was involved in the early stages of the Jeffrey MacDonald murder investigation.

see also