
unusual facts about Karl Rahner

Coetus Internationalis Patrum

It was originally formed after complaints by some of the more traditionalist bishops of the presence of Protestants and liberal Catholic theologians such as Hans Küng, Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) and Karl Rahner.

Edward Schillebeeckx

Already in 1963, together with Chenu, Congar, Karl Rahner, and Hans Küng he was involved in preparing the rise of the new theological journal Concilium, which was officially founded in 1965 with the support of Paul Brand and Antoine Van den Boogaard, and which promoted "reformist" thought.

Optatam Totius

Optatam Totius influenced German Roman Catholic theologian Karl Rahner to write his work The Founndation of Christian Faith.

Vincent Twomey

After ordination, he spent a semester in Münster, Westphalia, studying under the theologian Karl Rahner, before he transferred to the University of Regensburg to do his doctoral studies under the supervision of the then Professor Joseph Ratzinger.

Vladimir Truhlar

He became influenced by the Catholic theologian Karl Rahner, thinker Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Christian mystics, who became the object of his theological reflection.

see also