ITPKC is a gene that has been associated with Kawasaki disease.
The disease was first reported by Tomisaku Kawasaki in a four-year-old child with a rash and fever at the Red Cross Hospital in Tokyo, Japan in January 1961, and later published a report on 50 similar cases.
Parkinson's disease | Alzheimer's disease | Kawasaki | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Kawasaki Heavy Industries | Huntington's disease | Centers for Disease Control | Bright's disease | Dutch elm disease | disease | Crohn's disease | Chagas disease | Kawasaki Heavy Industries Motorcycle & Engine | sexually transmitted disease | Plague (disease) | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Sexually transmitted disease | Lyme disease | Kawasaki, Kanagawa | Gaucher's disease | cardiovascular disease | Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization | Alzheimer's Disease | Paget's disease of bone | Motor Neurone Disease Association | Guy Kawasaki | Graves' disease | End stage renal disease | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Chronic kidney disease |