Apart from taxi and bus transportation, Kayseri has a modern airport, Kayseri International Airport is served by 13 airlines, including Turkish Airlines.
province | Buenos Aires Province | Transvaal Province | Katanga Province | Cape Province | Western Province | New Ireland Province | Kars Province | Pichincha Province | Santa Fe Province | Dewa Province | Entre Ríos Province | Roman province | Rhine Province | Natal Province | Helmand Province | Battambang Province | La Convención Province | Hakkâri Province | Western Province (Papua New Guinea) | Northern Province | Mendoza Province | Guanacaste Province | Province of New York | Fars Province | Boulgou Province | Province | Manabí Province | El Oro Province | Tigray Province |
He was born on June 25, 1935 in the village of Akçakaya of Kayseri Province as the third son of Hacı Ömer Sabancı, who founded Turkey's second largest industrial and financial conglomerate, Sabancı Holding.
A 500 km² area along the river basin corresponds to Aladağlar National Park, mostly covered in forests and extending within Yahyalı (Kayseri Province), Çamardı (Niğde Province) and Aladağ (Adana Province) districts.