
unusual facts about Koine Greek

Koine Greek

"Biblical Koine" refers to the varieties of Koine Greek used in the Greek Bible and related texts.

Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve

His special interest in Christian Greek was partly the cause of his editing the Apologies of Justin Martyr (1877), "which"

Henry St. John Thackeray

Henry St. John Thackeray (1869–30 June 1930) was a British biblical scholar at King's College, Cambridge, an expert on Koine Greek, Josephus and the Septuagint.

The Rebel Angels

-- Maria calls Parlabane gay when talking to Hollier and he says no, he is not gay but that he is only a sodomite --> with a thundering voice, voracious appetite; Anglican priest and professor of New Testament Greek Simon Darcourt; Maria Theotoky, a graduate student researching Rabelais; Clement Hollier, a frazzled and absentminded professor; and Urquhart McVarish, a greedy and manipulative counterpoint to Hollier.

see also

Hebrew Gospel

Gospel of the Hebrews, a syncretic Jewish–Christian text believed to have been composed in Koine Greek