Later the ad campaign follows the storyline of the "Kokanee Ranger" played by, John Novak; and his unsuccessful attempts to hunt and catch the Sasquatch who is stealing Kokanee beer.
In May 2012, Kokanee and Alliance Films announced that it would be producing a feature-length film for release in 2013.
beer | Beer Barrel Polka | Porter (beer) | Phil Beer | Lager Beer Riot | One Fierce Beer Coaster | Maggie Beer | Buddy's Beer Garden | Beer Hall Putsch | Beer | Warwickshire Beer Company | Red Horse Beer | Low-alcohol beer | Free Beer | Corona (beer) | Cobra Beer | Billy Beer | Beer in Germany | Beer garden | Beer bottle | World Series of Beer Pong | World Beer Cup | Vanilla Beer | There's a Tear in My Beer | Taiwan Beer | small beer | Scholz's Beer Garden | Rheingold Beer | Quilmes (beer) | Qingdao International Beer Festival |
Named after Robert Hampton Gray (VC) and his brother, John Balfour Gray, the peak is notable as the mountain featured on the label of Kokanee beer.