
2 unusual facts about Kuang Hua VI-class missile boat

Kuang Hua VI-class missile boat

However, the tender was subsequently disputed by rival bidders and the Taiwanese legislature froze the budget for the construction of the class until 2007.

In 2007 it was announced that Taiwan had placed an order for 90 Series 4000 large diesel engines from Tognum subsidiary MTU Asia, which would be used to power the Kuang Hua VI class, 3 engines per missile boat.

Helsinki-class missile boat

They were armed with up to eight RBS-15 SSMs, one dual-purpose Bofors 57 mm gun, two SAKO 23 mm double-barreled anti-aircraft guns and two depth charge racks.

KonĨar-class missile boat

The stern Bofors 57 mm gun was also due to be removed and replaced by a CIWS AK-630M unit.

October-class missile boat

The Egyptian Navy wanting to acquire a cheap alternative for the aging Komar class missile boats, decided to build a modern missile boat based on the Komar hull design with modifications and upgrades in the Alexandria Shipyards in the late 1970s.

Osa-class missile boat

Amongst the post-Soviet countries, one boat is in service with the Azerbaijan Navy and two are in service with the Latvian Navy.

The missiles were controlled by a MR-331 Rangout (NATO: "Square Tie") radar and a Nikhrom-RRM ESM/IFF that even allowed targeting over the horizon, if the target's radar was turned on.

Ramadan-class missile boat

The Ramadan class missile boat has been in service with the Egyptian Navy since 1981, commissioned from the United Kingdom.

Tuima-class missile boat

After decommissioning, the vessels were moored at Loviisa, and it was planned that one was to be transferred to the new Maritime Museum in Kotka.

The modification work took place between 1993 and 1994 at the Uusikaupunki yards.

Type 037-II-class missile boat

The Type 037-II (NATO codename: Houjian class) is a missile equipped corvette built by Huangpu Shipyard of Guangzhou for the People's Liberation Army Navy.

Type 21

Type 021-class missile boat, a Chinese missile-firing naval vessel first produced in about 1975, and still in production.

see also