The character of the new Mormon student Gary is voiced by South Park writer Kyle McCulloch, who himself is a Mormon.
The new Mormon student Gary is voiced by South Park writer Kyle McCulloch, who grew up Mormon.
Einar (Kyle McCulloch) succumbs to a smallpox epidemic and is admitted to the Gimli hospital for treatment, where he meets his neighbor Gunnar (Michael Gottli).
Kyle XY | Kyle | Kyle Lowder | Kyle Hogg | Bruce McCulloch | Kyle of Lochalsh | Kyle Killen | Kyle Farnsworth | Kyle Broflovski | Kyle Turley | Kyle Orton | Kyle Minor | Kyle McCulloch | Kyle McCallan | Kyle Lehning | Kyle Korver | Kyle Jarrow | Kyle Hotz | Kyle Field | Kyle Cassidy | Kyle Baker | Billy Kyle | Benjamin McCulloch | Nigel McCulloch | McCulloch Stadium | L.B. 'Kyle' Keilman | Kyle Turris | Kyle Sokol | Kyle Sandilands | Kyle Rudolph |