Lagerstroemia indica, the crape myrtle or crepe myrtle, a plant species
Mangifera indica | Azadirachta indica | Flagellaria indica | Vanessa indica | Opuntia ficus-indica | Indica Gallery | Indica (Finnish band) | Indica | Aristolochia indica | Rhaphiolepis indica | Lagerstroemia indica | Hyophorbe indica | Heterorhabditis indica | Garcinia indica | ''Drosera indica'' with trapped insects, Kumbla |
Bandicota indica, the greater bandicoot rat, a species of rodent in the family Muridae
Garcinia indica, the kokum, a fruit tree species of culinary, pharmaceutical and industrial uses
Hyophorbe indica, the palmiste poison or palmier bâtard, a flowering plant species
More than 27 species in the genus bear edible, fleshy fruits, especially the Common Mango (M. indica).
Rhaphiolepis indica, the Indian hawthorn, an evergreen shrub species
Vanessa indica, the Asian admiral in the United States and the Indian Red Admiral elsewhere, a butterfly species