
unusual facts about Lambda-CDM model

Simon White

current standard model for the evolution of cosmic structure, the so-called ΛCDM model.

Burst error-correcting code

Interleaving can provide us with a \textstyle (\lambda n, \lambda k) code that can correct all bursts of length \textstyle \leq \lambda l, for any given \textstyle \lambda.


CHAdeMO (sometimes stylized CHΛdeMO, with uppercase Greek letter lambda) is the trade name of a quick charging method for battery electric vehicles delivering up to 62.5 kW of high-voltage direct current via a special electrical connector.

Conical function

The functions P^\mu {-(1/2)+i\lambda}(x) were introduced by Gustav Ferdinand Mehler, in 1868, when expanding in series the distance of a point on the axis of a cone to a point located on the surface of the cone.


(In continuation-passing style, call/cc becomes a simple function that can be written with lambda.) This is a particularly common strategy in Haskell, where it is easy to construct a "continuation-passing monad" (for example, the Cont monad and ContT monad transformer in the mtl library).

Density on a manifold

One can more generally develop a general theory of Radon measures as distributional sections of "?title=Riesz representation theorem">Riesz representation theorem.

Diane Anderson-Minshall

Anderson-Minshall writes the Blind Eye Mystery Series (Blind Curves, Blind Leap and the Lambda Literary Award finalist Blind Faith) through Bold Strokes Books with her husband Jacob Anderson-Minshall.


The Eidoloscope was an early motion picture system created by Woodville Latham and his two sons through their business, the Lambda Company, in New York City in 1894 and 1895.

Firehose instability

The firehose instability is precisely complementary, in this sense, to the Jeans instability in the plane, which is stabilized at short wavelengths, \lambda < \lambda J.

Franklin Stahl

In the succeeding years, his research involved the phages T4 and Lambda and the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with his primary focus on genetic recombination.

Gotcha Force

Each version is based on a different tribe: Alpha - Ninja; Beta - Knuckle/Gun (Beta uses Knuckle, Beta II uses guns, Beta III uses grappling claws); Gamma - Knight; Delta - Girl; Zeta - Musha; Theta/Iota - Nurse (Iota uses a flamethrower); Lambda - Angel; Mu - Air; Nu - Tank; Sigma - Wing; Omega - Machine; Chi - Tank.

Jay Bocook

He was also inducted into the Theta Lambda chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota as a National Arts Associate in 2006.

Jon Reed Sims

Sims later founded the Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco in 1980, Lambda Pro Musica orchestra (a now-defunct strings section), David Kelsey & Pure Trash, Varsity Drag, the FLAG Corps, and encouraged the formation of the Big Apple Corps GLBT band in New York by Nancy Corporon and The Great American Yankee Freedom Band of Los Angeles by Wayne Love.

Lambda Chi Alpha

The song Keg in the Closet was written by Kenny Chesney and Brett James, which recalls various details of college life in the late 1980s, including a beer keg which was hidden in the closet at Chesney's house, Lambda Chi Alpha at East Tennessee State University.

Lambda Delta Sigma

Sigma Gamma Chi : an LDS Church fraternity founded in 1936 as Lambda Delta Sigma that spun off the LDS sorority of the same name

Lambda Delta Sigma (LDS Church) : a sorority founded in 1960 for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church); now replaced with the LDS Student Association at all universities except the University of Utah

Lambda Foundation

Lambda Foundation is a registered Canadian Charity with the mission of creating scholarships, awards, and bursaries in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) studies, and education and awareness, in advancement of equality and human rights.

Lambda Lambda Lambda

Inspired by movies like Revenge of the Nerds and National Lampoon's Animal House, Lambda Lambda Lambda is a small co-ed social fraternity, unaffiliated with Greek Life, dedicated to the enjoyment and enrichment of pop culture and to the brotherhood of its members.

For the fictional fraternity "Lambda Lambda Lambda" that inspired it, see Revenge of the Nerds.

Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal has played a role in many legal cases in the United States pertaining to gay rights, including the 6-3 United States Supreme Court's 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which invalidated sodomy laws.

Lambda Phi Epsilon

Lambda Phi Epsilon holds an annual convention during Memorial Day weekend at various locations across North America, co-hosted with the sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi.

Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta represents what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three artistic proofs of persuasion: Logos (Lambda) meaning logic, Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion, and Ethos (Eta) defined as character credibility and ethics.

Lambda Tau Omega

Lambda Tau Omega (ΛΤΩ) is a multicultural sorority founded in 1988 at Montclair State College, now known as Montclair State University, in Montclair, New Jersey.

Lawrence O. Gostin

His proposed Model State Emergency Health Powers Act ignited a firestorm of controversy across the ideological spectrum, from Phyllis Schlafly to LAMBDA, for being overly broad and ripe for abuse.

LG Life Sciences

In addition to Permethrin, LGLS registered three of its generic products with the EPA in 2006, Metalaxyl, Lambda-Cyhalothrin, and Esfenvalerate.

Logarithmic derivative

In mathematical finance, the Greek λ is the logarithmic derivative of derivative price with respect to underlying price.

Micro black hole

For sufficiently small M, the reduced Compton wavelength (\scriptstyle{\lambda \; = \; \hbar/Mc} , where ħ is Reduced planck constant) exceeds half the Schwarzschild radius, and no black hole description exists.

On the other hand, the Compton wavelength, \lambda = h/Mc , where h is Planck's constant, represents a limit on the minimum size of the region in which a mass M at rest can be localized.

National Voter Registration Act of 1993

In 2004, the Nu Mu Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, held a voter registration drive in DeKalb County, Georgia, from which Georgia Secretary of State Cathy Cox (Dem.) rejected all 63 voter registration applications on the basis that the fraternity did not follow correct procedures, including obtaining specific pre-clearance from the state to conduct their drive.

Philip Jameson

Orpheus Award, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, Epsilon Lambda Chapter April 25, 2009

Rex Solomon

He was a founding member of the first unofficial fraternity at Brandeis University, the Lambda Beta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi.

Sliding pillar suspension

In around 1904, the New Jersey inventor J. Walter Christie introduced a sliding pillar suspension system with vertical coil springs, which would appear to be the inspiration for that used by Lancia on its Lambda from around 1922.

Tim Leavitt

He graduated from Fort Vancouver High School, then attended Clark College and Washington State University, where he received a masters degree in environmental engineering and was a member of Alpha Kappa Lambda Fraternity.

Ultraviolet catastrophe

The term "ultraviolet catastrophe" was first used in 1911 by Paul Ehrenfest, although the concept goes back to 1900 with the first derivation of the \lambda^{-4} dependence of the Rayleigh–Jeans law; the word "ultraviolet" refers to the fact that the problem appears in the short wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Ursinus College

The Ursinus College Greek community consists of six sororities, including Kappa Delta Kappa, Phi Alpha Psi, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Tau Sigma Gamma, Upsilon Phi Delta, and Omega Chi, and eight fraternities, including Alpha Phi Epsilon, Beta Sigma Lambda, Delta Pi Sigma, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi Omega Delta, Sigma Pi and Sigma Rho Lambda.

Vibrations of a circular membrane

Turning to the equation for R(r), with the observation that K=-\lambda^2, all solutions of this second-order differential equation are a linear combination of Bessel functions of order 0,

Vincenzo Lancia

His first car was built in 1907 - the 12 hp Alfa, which included a lot of the technology now taken for granted, and he produced groundbreaking models such as the Lambda and the Aprilia.

William Huggins

(with Lady Huggins): An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra from \lambda4870 to \lambda3300, together with a discussion of the evolution order of the stars, and the interpretation of their spectra; preceded by a short history of the observatory.

see also