The roles of Pao Ssu and K'ao Hsin are both played by Marie Matiko.
Some time later Lao Ma was sold as a wife to Lao Tzu, the vicious, tyrannical ruler of the House of Lao.
She told Xena that she writes down all of her wisdom in Lao Tzu's book so that he will be remembered as a great and wise ruler.
(Note that in reality, Lao Tzu was a revered Chinese philosopher, but in the TV series Lao Ma left her wisdom in his name so that he can be remembered as a benevolent ruler. Also, while Chinese tradition considers his real-life namesake to be the author of the Tao Te Ching, the ancient book which Lao Ma's sayings allude to, Western scholarship does not recognise him as the book's author; in fact, its authorship is unknown.)
Here are some quotes from Lao Ma and some of the relevant passages from the Tao Te Ching.
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