The rhizomes are used in various Asian cuisines (for example in Thai and Lao tom yum and tom kha gai soups, Vietnamese Huế cuisine (tré) and throughout Indonesian cuisine, for example, in soto).
Lao khao soi is still made with the traditional noodles and in some markets in Luang Namtha and Muang Sing you can still see the vendors cutting the noodles.
Piper lolot (lolot) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its leaf which is used in Lao and Vietnamese cuisine as a flavoring wrap for grilling meats, namely the thịt bò nướng lá lốt sausages of Vietnam.
Thai-style tom kha gai does not use dill weed, whereas Lao-style tom kha gai usually contains "phak si" (dill weed), which is a common herb used in Lao cuisine.
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