"Lazy Monday," the online parody he made with film school collaborator Sam Friedlander and actor Mark Feuerstein, was the widely played and widely copied "west coast rap battle" response to Saturday Night Live's "Lazy Sunday." This video was featured on VH1, Bravo, and many other media outlets.
The popularity of the Saturday Night Live skit "Lazy Sunday" has led to $10 notes sometimes being referred to as "Hamiltons".
The lyrics involve subjects that are "anything but hardcore," such as eating cupcakes from the Magnolia Bakery, searching for travel directions on MapQuest and buying tickets with $10 bills.
The Sunday Times | The Sunday Telegraph | Sunday school | Sunday Night Football | Billy Sunday | Sunday | NBC Sunday Night Football | Palm Sunday | The Sunday Times (UK) | Taking Back Sunday | Bloody Sunday | Black Sunday | Sunday Tribune | CBS News Sunday Morning | The Sunday Times Magazine | The Sunday Game | Sunday School | Sunday Morning | Sunday Mirror | Sunday league football | Ski Sunday | Scotland on Sunday | Any Given Sunday | The Sunday Edition (CBC Radio) | The Sunday Edition | The Sunday Business Post | The Mail on Sunday | Sunday strip | Sunday League | Sunday Dispatch |
He was the director of '"Lazy Sunday", "I Just Had Sex", "Natalie's Rap", "Dick in a Box", "Peyton Manning for the United Way", "Iran So Far", "Jizz in My Pants", "Boombox", and sang with Samberg and T-Pain in "I'm on a Boat".