
5 unusual facts about Le Mur Rose

Le Mur Rose

A pre-war expert in decontamination techniques, Gerstein was assigned to the Hygiene Institute of the SS, becoming responsible for delivering Zyklon B poison used in the final solution gas chambers, including Auschwitz concentration camp.

In February 2010 the painting was acquired from the heirs, the Magen David Adom UK, for the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Germany, with the financial help of various German foundations and private donors.

He received a sympathetic reception and was transferred to a residence in a hotel in Rottweil, there writing out the Gerstein Report.

When she died in Switzerland in 1992, she in turn willed her estate to Magen David Adom UK, the British-based branch of the Israeli-based medical services charity, which provides ambulances and medical infrastructure in Israel.

But the collection never left Germany and, after confiscation by the SS, it somehow became the property of SS officer Kurt Gerstein.

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