The Partido is named in honour of Leandro Nicéforo Alem (1844-1896) an Argentine politician, founder of the Radical Civic Union political party and mentor to Hipólito Yrigoyen who became President of Argentina.
San Leandro, California | San Leandro | Lanús Partido | Avellaneda Partido | Tres de Febrero Partido | Partido Acción Nacional | La Plata Partido | La Matanza Partido | General San Martín Partido | Além Paraíba | Tandil Partido | Saladillo Partido | Saavedra Partido | Addis Alem, Shewa | Zárate Partido | Tigre Partido | Ramallo Partido | Partido Galeguista | Merlo Partido | Leandro Grimi | Leandro Fernández de Moratín | Leandro e Leonardo | Leandro Aragoncillo | José Clemente Paz Partido | Azul Partido | Ålem | Addis Alem | Vicente López Partido | San Isidro Partido | San Cayetano Partido |
Parque Alem, one of two large parks in Rosario, Santa Fe, is named after Alem, and has a heroic statue of him, trying to bend a quebracho log, representing the motto of the Radical Civic Union, Se quiebra pero no se dobla ("It breaks but it does not bend", an expression of commitment to principles).