Professional revolutionaries or a cadre: in Leninist Marxism, an organized revolutionary vanguard aimed at moving society to the realisation of communism
He nearly died as a child during imprisonment with his family when his father, famous pianist Georges Cziffra who had served in the Hungarian during World War II, was arrested for political reasons by communist authorities after World War II.
However, that was followed by a brief Allied military intervention by the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and others against the Bolsheviks.
In 1988, she gave a speech at a conference commemorating the hundredth anniversary of Bukharin’s birth given by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Communist Party Central Committee.
"(b) summarised the case against the Communist Party by reference to its objectives and activities: it was said to engage in activities designed, in accordance with 'the basic theory of communism, as expounded by Marx and Lenin', to create a 'revolutionary situation' enabling it 'to seize power and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.'
Named after the Committees of Correspondence formed during the American Revolution, the group criticized the leadership of CPUSA president Gus Hall and argued that, in light of the dissolution of the Soviet Union since 1989, the party should reject Leninism and adopt a more moderate democratic socialist orientation.
A massive painted statue of Dimitrov survives in the centre of Place Bulgarie in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, two decades after the country abandoned Marxism-Leninism and the colossal statue of Vladimir Lenin was removed from Place Lenine.
International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (International Newsletter): A grouping of parties and organizations adhering to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought.
Theoretic foundations of the Left School combined elements of classic Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, and French atheist existentialism (primarily, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
Under the leadership of general secretary George Hewison (1988–92), the leadership of the CPC and a segment of its general membership began to abandon Marxism-Leninism as the basis of the Party's revolutionary perspective, and ultimately moved to liquidate the Party itself, seeking to replace it with a left, social democratic entity.
The ideology has changed somewhat, into a hodgepodge of Marxism-Leninism and Russian Orthodoxy (Genialissimo himself is also Patriarch).
He has been trying to offer "a reinterpretation of the revolutionary theory and marxism from the perspective of messianism and Jewish mystic, and vice versa".