
6 unusual facts about Leo Frobenius

Alf Bayrle

In 1934 the Institute of Morphology, run by Leo Frobenius of the University of Frankfurt offered him a position as an artist.

Hugo Obermaier

(with Leo Frobenius) Hadschra Maktuba. Urzeitliche Felsbilder Kleinafrikas. Part 1 (of 6).

His work with Frobenius included the study of the Neolithic rock engravings of south Oran in 1925.

Kisra legend

In 1909, the German anthropologist Leo Frobenius brought together a number of individuals in the Benue river valley to aggregate a version of the Kisra legend.

Mossi people

Mogonaba was the name Leo Frobenius was told was the term appropriate for the emperor of Mossi at Wagadugu when he visited the country in 1904-6.

Sympathetic magic

In 1933, Leo Frobenius, discussing cave paintings in North Africa, pointed out that many of the paintings did not seem to be mere depictions of animals and people.

see also