Leonard Leo, chairman of United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, called on the Pakistani government to protect the freedom of all religious groups and repeal the country's blasphemy laws.
In July 2013, Leo was identified as a key member of Groundswell, a secretive coalition of right wing activists and journalists attempting to make radical political change behind the scenes.
Leonard Bernstein | Leonard Compagno | Leonard Cohen | Leo Tolstoy | Pope Leo XIII | Leonard Nimoy | Sugar Ray Leonard | Elmore Leonard | Leo Gorcey | Leo Burnett | Leo Brouwer | Leo VI the Wise | Leonard Wood | Leo | Pope Leo X | Leonard Slatkin | Leonard Rose | Leo Durocher | Wadada Leo Smith | Ted Leo | Pope Leo I | Leonard Woolf | Pope Leo IX | Melissa Leo | Leonard French | Leonard Feather | Leo Carrillo | Fort Leonard Wood | Ted Leo and the Pharmacists | Leonard |