
3 unusual facts about Leonard Smithers

Alexander Teixeira de Mattos

He worked as a freelance translator, as the London correspondent of a Dutch newspaper, and as the editor of the papers Dramatic Opinions and The Candid Friend, and, in collaboration with Leonard Smithers, in publishing.

Arthur Symons

From late 1895 through 1896 he edited, along with Aubrey Beardsley and Leonard Smithers, The Savoy, a literary magazine which published both art and literature.

Leonard Smithers

His naked body was found in a house in Parson's Green on his 46th birthday, surrounded by empty bottles of Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.

The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

It was first published in 1881 by William Lazenby who printed 250 copies; a further edition was produced by Leonard Smithers in 1902.

see also