In 1933, the three brothers Leonard, Wallace and Walter Spence won the 3×100 medley relay at the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) championships – the only such feat in the AAU history.
Leonard Bernstein | Leonard Compagno | Leonard Cohen | Leonard Nimoy | Sugar Ray Leonard | Elmore Leonard | Leonard Wood | Leonard Slatkin | Leonard Rose | Leonard Woolf | Louie Spence | Leonard French | Leonard Feather | Fort Leonard Wood | Leonard | Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot | Leonard of Noblac | Leonard Adleman | Leonard Woolley | Leonard P. Guarente | Leonard Cheshire | Frances Spence | Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri | St Leonard | Sheldon Leonard | Leonard Rossiter | Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine | Jacques Léonard | Fort Leonard Wood (military base) | Bruce Spence |