
3 unusual facts about Lev Berg


The fossil record of this family dates back to the Miocene epoch, and was discovered by L. S. Berg in 1958.

Lev Berg

Berg studied and determined the depth of the lakes of Central Asia, including Balkhash and Issyk Kul.

Nikolay Baransky

In 1946 he was nominated for election to full member of Soviet Academy of Sciences, but refused the nomination and supported Lev Berg.

Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute

Scientists, such as Alexander Karpinsky, Alexander Fersman, Yuly Shokalsky, Nikolai Knipovich, Lev Berg, Otto Schmidt, Rudolf Samoylovich, Vladimir Vize, Nikolai Zubov, Pyotr Shirshov, Nikolai Urvantsev, and Yakov Gakkel have all made their valuable contributions to the work of the AARI.

see also