Directed by Lev L. Spiro, and starring George Lopez, Odette Annable and Logan Grove, the film focuses on Papi, Chloe and the puppies moving to a hotel.
Spiro Agnew | Lev Leshchenko | Lev Vygotsky | Lev Yashin | Lev Landau | Lev Grossman | Lev Manovich | Lev Artsimovich | Spiro | Lev Shestov | Lev Leviev | Lev Kopelev | Lev Kamenev | Lev Gleason Publications | Lev Berg | Ellen Spiro | Spiro Mounds | Melford Spiro | Lev Oborin | Lev Kulchitsky | Lev Gumilev | Amir Bar-Lev | Spiro, Oklahoma | Sims' family members accept his Medal of Honor from Vice President Spiro Agnew | Samuel Spiro | Samantha Spiro | Ray Lev | Mark Spiro | Lev Yilmaz | Lev Vasilevsky |