
10 unusual facts about Spiro Agnew

21st Century Schizoid Man

Before a live performance of the song on December 14, 1969 (as shown in the live album Epitaph), Fripp remarked that the song was dedicated to "an American political personality whom we all know and love dearly. His name is Spiro Agnew."

Canada lunar sample displays

There Matthews met President Nixon and vice-president Spiro Agnew.

Elias P. Demetracopoulos

In 1968 Demetracopoulos uncovered illegal campaign donations of $549,000 given by the Greek military dictatorship to the Richard Nixon/Spiro Agnew 1968 presidential campaign.

Gunfight at Carnegie Hall

Ochs says that these songs were "just as much Phil Ochs as anything else." When some of the audience shout and boo after this set, Ochs admonishes them to "not be like Spiro Agnew," saying that their prejudice against certain forms of music was bigotry: "You can be a bigot from all sides. You can be a bigot against Blacks; you can be a bigot against music."

Maryland Route 30

Carroll County is a heavily Republican county in a heavily Democratic state, and until the election of Bob Ehrlich as governor in 2002, the state had not had a Republican governor since Spiro Agnew left office in 1969.

North American DC-3

On 12 February 1969 Richard Nixon formed the Space Task Group under the direction of Vice President Spiro Agnew, giving them the task of selecting missions for a post-Apollo NASA.

Occupation of Alcatraz

Spurred in part by Spiro Agnew’s support for Native American rights, federal policy began to progress away from termination and toward Indian autonomy.

Perry Hall, Maryland

Its greatest accomplishment came on September 8, 1963, when Baltimore County Executive Spiro Agnew and other officials dedicated the new Perry Hall library on Belair Road.

Richard E. Cohen

He later worked as the chief Maryland correspondent where he covered the investigation of former Vice PResident Spiro Agnew.

Space Task Group

For instance, President Richard Nixon appointed such a group in February 1969 to outline a post-Apollo spaceflight strategy, chaired by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.

1968 Republican National Convention

House Minority Leader Gerald Ford proposed New York City Mayor John Lindsay for Vice President but Nixon turned to another moderate, Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew, who placed Nixon's name in nomination at the convention.

John Giorno

Spiro Agnew called Giorno and Abbie Hoffman "would be Hanoi Hannahs" after their WPAX radio broadcasts made to the US troops in South Vietnam on Radio Hanoi.

Space Transportation System

In February 1969, President Richard Nixon appointed a Space Task Group headed by Vice President Spiro Agnew to recommend human space projects beyond Apollo.