
unusual facts about List of Star Wars characters##


Forn Dodonna, an Old Republic era General and likely an ancestor of Jan

Alex McCrindle

He is best known for his role as General Jan Dodonna in Star Wars.

Commander Cody

Commander Cody, clone officer who appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film) and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

Katarn meets with an information broker droid named 8t88 (Denny Delk) who tells Katarn that his father, Morgan Katarn (Jacob Witkin), was killed by a Dark Jedi named Jerec (Christopher Neame), who also intends to rebuild the Empire.

Star Wars: Behind the Magic

Among these is the Anchorhead Story of Star Wars, which includes the famous "Biggs Scene", where Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter talk on Tatooine, and a scene where Luke talks to his friends after witnessing the opening space battle.

Star Wars: Dark Forces

His investigation reveals the Imperial Dark Trooper project, led by General Rom Mohc (Jack Angel).

see also