The film was directed by Duwayne Dunham, who has directed other children and Disney movies, including Little Giants and Halloweentown.
New York Giants | San Francisco Giants | They Might Be Giants | Huddersfield Giants | Giants Stadium | Land of the Giants | Yomiuri Giants | They Might be Giants | Young Marble Giants | They Might Be Giants (album) | Standing on the shoulders of giants | Rotherham Giants | Riding Giants | New York Giants (MLB) | New York Giants' | Little Giants | Lincoln Giants | Land of Giants | Giants Wrocław | Fall of Giants | Dodgers–Giants rivalry | Belfast Giants | Baltimore Elite Giants | Avenue of the Giants | 1986 New York Giants season | 1982 San Francisco Giants season | Wolves, Witches and Giants | When Giants Walked the Earth: A Biography of Led Zeppelin | Waking Giants | Under The Influence of Giants |
Frank M. Gould, 11th head college football coach for the Wabash College Little Giants
Their team was Industriales de Monterrey, nicknamed "Los pequeños gigantes" (The little giants).