
unusual facts about Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol

Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol

as a locator for routing purposes, to identify where a network interface is located within a larger routing context

InTouch N.V.

InTouch is contributing to the development of the LISP protocol in the IETF.

Lokata Company

The Lokata Company (pronounced low-kay-tah, "locator") was formed in the late 1970s in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.

Maidenhead Locator System

In 1985, the Radio Society of Great Britain published a small set of BASIC language routines to convert from locator references to geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) for further processing.

Perl supports conversion between geographical coordinates and Maidenhead locators in module Ham::Locator by Andy Smith, available on CPAN.


PRONOM Unique Identifier, a digital file locator used by The National Archives of the United Kingdom


The name ToneLoc was short for "Tone Locator" and was a word play on the name of the rap artist known as Tone Lōc.


TWIRL is The Weizmann Institute Relation Locator, a hypothetical hardware device.

see also