
5 unusual facts about Loja

Bomarea angustifolia

It is not clear exactly where the specimen was collected, but it may have been near Loja.

Chaunus amabilis

It appears that populations of this toad in the area surrounding Provincia Loja have been severely affected by human activities.

The apparent declines of this species might in part be due to the modification of much of the Loja basin area for agriculture, urbanization, and other regional development.

Diego Luzuriaga

Diego Luzuriaga (b. Loja, 1955) is an Ecuadorian composer of classical music.

Loja, Ecuador

Originally located near La Toma in the Catamayo canyon, the city was relocated to its present location (about 35 km east) after a devastating earthquake.


In the south-western province of Loja, is the canton Puyango, bordered on the north by the canton Avocados and the province of El Oro, on the south by the cantons of Celica and Pindal, east of Celica and Avocado Zapotillo and west of the Republic of Peru.

Alfredo Palacio Moreno

Alfredo Palacio Moreno (Loja, August 9, 1912 – Guayaquil, April 20, 1998) was an Ecuadorian sculptor and painter.

Buddleja lojensis

Buddleja lojensis is a species endemic to the Loja region of southern Ecuador, and Piura in Peru, where it grows on mountains, savannahs and scrub, notably near streams, at elevations of 1,600 – 2,550 m.

Buddleja longifolia

Buddleja longifolia is a species now restricted to remnants of montane forest in Loja, Ecuador, and northern Peru at altitudes of 2100 – 2600 m.

Ecuadorian–Peruvian War

As a result of the war, Peru occupied almost the entire Ecuadorian coastal province of El Oro and some towns of the Andean province of Loja, besides driving the Ecuadorians back along the whole line of dispute along the Amazonian border.

Rio Protocol

Despite this, limited skirmishes continued to occur through the months of August and September in the Ecuadorian provinces of El Oro and Loja, as well as in the Amazonian lands.

Tumbes River

The river's sources are located between Ecuadorian El Oro and Loja provinces.

United Provinces of New Granada

The Royal Audiencia of Quito, whose president had executive powers, had jurisdiction over the provinces of Quito, Cuenca, Loja, Ibarra, Riobamba, Pasto, Popayán, Buenaventura and parts of the Cauca River Valley.

see also