
6 unusual facts about Louse


Ectoparasites such as lice were uncommon in this area before 2003, but increased in epidemic proportion pattern from 2003-2006 (Medeiros et al. 2008).

I. C. Frimu

His last days in Văcăreşti prison were recounted by the writer A. de Herz, with whom he shared a cell; according to Herz, the prison was infested with lice which carried the typhus bacteria.

Skorpa prisoner of war camp

The released prisoners were first sent to the port city of Tromsø for bathing and delousing.

Union of Kėdainiai

Bogusław became commonly known in Poland as Gnida ("Louse") by his fellow nobles and Janusz became known as Zdrajca (Traitor).

Venustiano Carranza, D.F.

Then there is an inspection of the troops by one playing General Zaragoza, with a tradition of cutting the hair of a new member of the troops for “lice.”

Yossi Abulafia

The book, which describes the adventures of a Louse named Nechama, became very popular and influential in Israel and was adapted to other media numerous times.

Allan Williams

He recounts having to reassure Howie Casey, leader of The Seniors who were already established in Hamburg, who had cautioned Allan: "Listen, we've got a good thing going here in Hamburg. But if you send that bum group, the Beatles, you're going to louse it up for all of us."


The ischnoceran louse Austrophilopterus flavirostris is suspected to parasitize most if not all species of aracaris, with the possible exception of the Green Aracari (Price & Weckstein 2005).

Brill–Zinsser disease

After a patient contracts epidemic typhus from the fecal matter of an infected louse (Pediculus humanus), the rickettsia can remain latent and reactivate months or years later, with symptoms similar to or even identical to the original attack of typhus, including a maculopapular rash.

Columbicola extinctus

Columbicola extinctus, also known as the Passenger Pigeon chewing louse, is an extant species of phtilopterid louse that was once believed to have been extinct with its only known host, the Passenger Pigeon, prior to its rediscovery living on Band-tailed Pigeons.

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#"The Crab Louse" (Super Scratcher with a Golden Shower Rainbow Mix, remixer: Luc Van Acker)

Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch

However, the stone louse is only a fictitious animal created by the German satirical comedian Loriot to parody nature documentaries.

Stone louse

In 1983 the clinical dictionary Pschyrembel, from German scientific publisher Walter de Gruyter, contained information about the stone louse for the first time in printed form.

see also