
unusual facts about Lower Devonian

Blackford Hill

Blackford Hill is formed from Lower Devonian volcanic rocks, lying between Upper Devonian sandstone, the northernmost extent of those found in the Pentland Hills to the South.

see also


Turbinopsis, from the Lower Devonian of North America, was removed from the Palaeotrochidae (Palaeotrochacea); has a spiral chord not found on typical Anomphalidae and an aperture with a thicker, wider lip, also atypical.

Bishop's Frome Limestone

It is perhaps the most significant of all of the calcretes which occur within the uppermost Silurian and lower Devonian sequence of rocks which constitute the Old Red Sandstone of the Anglo-Welsh Basin.

Meemann Chang

She completed her undergraduate studies at Moscow University and completed her PhD thesis entitled 'The braincase of Youngolepis, a Lower Devonian crossopterygian from Yunnan, south-western China' at Stockholm University.