
8 unusual facts about Luangwa


Boreogomphodon was distinguished from other traversodontids like the African Luangwa and the South American Traversodon on the basis of its postcanine teeth.

Eric Chekoloka

Eric Chekoloka died following an illness on 16 December 2013 at his home in Luangwa, Zambia.

Lake Malawi

It is believed that these painted dogs seasonally move across the border from Malawi into Zambia to hunt in The South Luangwa Valley but seemingly they have plenty of success within Malawi as the pack consists of 7 adults and 10 pups.

Luangwa District

On a small peninsula that juts out into the Zambezi River, close to the intersection of Zambia, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe and where the draining stream of Lake Cahora Bassa flows into the Zambezi, is the capital, Luangwa.


The study suggested that S. hirschsoni had more in common with other traversodontids like Luangwa.


At its greatest extent, the state included territory from the Tumbuka and Tonga areas to the north to the Lower Shire in the south, and west to Luangwa and Zambezi valleys.


Later that year S. drysdalli was placed in its own genus, Luangwa.

The study suggested that S. hirschoni had more in common with other traversodontids like Luangwa.

Chama, Zambia

There are no roads west from Chama across the Luangwa Valley, but a little-used dirt track follows the Malawi border further north and crosses into Isoka District of Northern Province west of the Nyika Plateau.

Ecoregions of Zambia

:15 —along the bottom of the Lunsemfwa and Luangwa valleys including North and South Luangwa National Parks closer to the river

Great East Road

In addition to its east-west Lusaka-Malawi axis, the Great East Road links north to Lundazi, north-west to the South Luangwa National Park, south-east to Mozambique, and, in Lusaka Province, south to the Lower Zambezi National Park and the town of Luangwa at the Luangwa-Zambezi river confluence.

Luangwa Bridge

The First Luangwa Bridge was built in Zambia's colonial era in 1932 as a narrow 300 m long wide steel and reinforced concrete deck on concrete piers and columns, financed, like the Chirundu Bridge and Beit Bridge by the Beit Trust.

Luangwa River

The lower Luangwa Valley is crossed by just one road, the Great East Road at the Luangwa Bridge, about 10 km south of the Luangwa-Lunsemfwa confluence.

The principal settlement in the Middle and Upper Luangwa Valley is Mfuwe which serves the tourism industry and has an international airport.

Muchinga Province

Chama is connected with Lusaka by a different road which follows the Luangwa River and passes Petauke and Nyimba, connecting to the Great East Road.

see also